Where is the Best Place to Build a Septic Tank?

large white septic tank places in a large whole in the mud

Septic tanks are ideal for houses in remote locations or that aren’t hooked up to the main network. If you’re thinking about building septic for your property, be it domestic or commercial, there are some things you’ll need to note first regarding septic tank regulations.

The UK has stringent laws where waste and building is concerned, so if you’re thinking about installing a septic tank, make sure you understand the ins and outs first, as we explain below.

Where Can I Build a Septic Tank?

Firstly, not every environment is ideal for a septic tank. The first thing to note is that the tank must be a minimum of seven metres from a habitable property, i.e. a house or a building where people are likely to be.

A septic tank must also be 30 metres from an access point so that it can be emptied without hindrance, and 50 metres from a water source. On top of this, you need to make sure you follow the below septic tank regulations:

·       Should be accessible – makes emptying the tank easier

·       Shouldn’t contaminate water – sealed pipes feeding directly into waterways are prohibited

·       Should not flood – needs to be emptied regularly to prevent overflowing

·       Should have suitable ventilation

·       Should be the correct size for the requirements – 2,700 litres is enough for four people

With this in mind, you need to ensure you hire a professional to install your septic tank for you, and you also need to ensure that it’s emptied regularly to maintain proper working order. Thistle Tanks can help with this – we are experts in emptying septic tanks and disposing of the waste in an ethical and legal way.

Do I Need Planning Permission for My Septic Tank?

People often ask whether planning permission is required for a septic tank to be installed. This largely depends on the property. For example, if you already have an existing septic tank and want to replace it, you won’t need planning permission. On the other hand, if you want to install a new septic tank at a property where there hasn’t been one before, you will need to get planning permission.

This means you need to go to your local council and inform them of your plans. They will want to ensure you comply with the septic tank regulations listed above. If you can’t, you’ll be denied. If you decide to build a septic tank without getting planning permission, you could find yourself facing harsh penalties.

New septic tanks cannot be discharged into waterways. This means you either need to get a drainage field, soak-away system, or sewage treatment plant installed. The government is aiming to crack down on the level of wastewater being pumped into the watercourses. If your septic tank is found to be in reach of the septic tank regulations, you could be fined heavily.

Get in Touch

If you want to find out more about septic tank regulations or our emptying services, please get in touch with a member of our team today. Our phonelines are 01455 413661 or use our contact page to submit an enquiry today.